
Friday, 4 May 2012

Laughter is the best medicine....

So...I wake up, all anxious and feeling sick. The tablets seem to be making me feel bad. I always feel sick in the mornings and then do not sleep. Also, had lots of negative thoughts in my head, such as 'that I will never get better'. However, I got up and tried to get through the day. It turned out to be quite a positive day.

 I sorted out my university things and ate pizza which was the first proper meal in a while. However, later on in the day I started to feel really spaced out and strange...again I put it down to the tablets. Feel a little more anxious again now. However, you have to see each day positively.

Life is so special. I was reminded by that from hearing the good news that my cousin had a little boy yesterday. He is starting his life a fresh and has so much going for him. We need to see the positive in life. I know it can be hard sometimes but there always is. Think about all the miracles around us, about the people who love and care for us. There is so much to be grateful for and to like and I think now and again we just have to remember them.

Lastly, laughing is the best medicine. I know, it is very difficult to laugh when you feel blue but fake laughing also realises happy hormones. This is because your body does not know the difference between real laughter and fake laughter. So try it next time. Fake laugh and you will see you will feel a lot happier.

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